color pencils in case

Childcare Made Simple

Explore our detailed fees and pricing schedule to find the best options for your needs.

Pricing Information from 1st April 2024

Explore our detailed fees and pricing schedule for transparent service offerings and options.

3 years and over (all prices include a hot lunch)

7am - 6pm £52.00 per day

7am - 1pm £40.00 per day

8am - 1pm £37.00 per day

1pm - 6pm £37.00 per day

9am - 3pm £40.00 per day

8.45am - 11.45am £26.00 per session

Registration Fee (3 years and over) - £15.00

Additional Fees

Hourly Rate £15.00

Lunch £2.50 per day

7am - 6pm £56.00 per day or £250.00 per week

7am - 1pm £41.00 per day

8am - 1pm £38.00 per day

1pm - 6pm £38.00 per day

9am - 3pm £41.00 per day

9am - 5pm £47.00 per day

8.45am - 11.45am £26.00 per session

Registration Fee (0-2 years) - £30.00

0 - 2 Years (all prices include a hot lunch)