black and white bed linen

Nursery Parent Information

Discover essential information about nursery funding, our staff, and our Key Person approach.

Government Funding

Information about Government Funded childcare.

Creative Days nursery is registered with Derbyshire County Council to offer 2 & 3 year old government funding, if your child is eligible for this funding please all and speak to Emma who will advise you. Our 3 – 4 year old children will also be eligible to claim 30 hours funding, subject to parents accessing their own unique validation code from HMRC. If you require any further information on the 30 hours please speak to Emma. We also offer 15 hours of government funding from 9 months old upwards. From September 2025, the 30 hours government funding will be eligible for access for all children from 9 months old subject to eligibility criteria. Emma can talk you through this process in full.

What to Wear

In order to feel free to explore and experiment with all kinds of materials, including messy ones, it is best to send children dressed in clothes which are easily washable and not too new.

Coats and bags should be clearly labelled with your child’s name. It is good for children to practice skills which will make them independent so simple clothing which they can handle themselves will enable them to go to the toilet when they want to and to put on and take off their outdoor clothes without being too dependent on other peoples help. All children should bring a change of clothes in case of any accidents but if your child is still in nappies please make sure you put spare ones in their bag or if your child is toilet training please supply spare pants and clothes. We also like parents to bring in an old pair of wellington boots and water proof trousers/all in one to leave at the nursery, with their name clearly written in them, so we can go walking in all weather.

Key Person

At Creative Days we operate a Key person system for all our nursery children.

In each area there is a supervisor and qualified practitioners. Each staff member is allocated a group of children from when they start nursery until they leave to start school, enabling the staff to monitor children’s progression at all times through planned and unplanned activities. Parents are encouraged to talk to their child’s key person to discuss all areas of their child’s learning and to look at our Tapestry journal to see their child’s progression and development. Parents can also add special moments and days out etc onto their tapestry accounts for their child's key person to see.

Your Child's Progress

Parent's can monitor their child's progress as they move through their stages of development with our Tapestry app.

Once your child starts at Creative Days, you will be sent and email activation link to register for Tapestry. This gives you access to view your child's progress and development throughout their nursery journey. Our staff update Tapestry once per month with an observation, next steps and track your child's progress using the EYFS framework.

You can also add your own updates such as photos of outings, 'wow moments' such as first steps etc, so Nursery are up to date on these as part of your child's learning journey. We also use Tapestry to keep parents up to data of key events and changes to Nursery policies.